
ABC of studying and working in Poland

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Leading Partner : Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland
Partner : West Ukrainian Resource Center (ZURC) Lviv
The micro-project "ABC of studying and working in Poland" is co-financed by the European Union as part of the Cross-border Cooperation Program Poland - Belarus - Ukraine 2007-2013.
Duration of the microproject : 01/04/2014 - 30/11/2014
Total project value : EUR 44 465.23
Co-financing amount : 40,018.71 (90%)

Purpose of the project

Development of cross-border cooperation in the field of researching the needs and increasing the educational and labor market opportunities of youth from Belarus and Ukraine from border regions; young people who plan to study or work in Poland.

The main problem to be solved by the microproject 4 is the insufficient level of knowledge among youth from Ukraine and Belarus about studying and working in Poland and the Polish labor market.

As part of the micro-project, questionnaire and focus research will be carried out - in Poland among students of the first years of studies from Ukraine and Belarus, Ukraine and Belarus (internet research) among young people planning to study in Poland. This will allow to obtain information on the needs of young people deciding to study in Poland: what support they need, what information they lack, what they expect while working and studying abroad.

On the basis of the report and recommendations from the conducted research, a multimedia guide "ABC of studying and working in Poland" will be developed on a CD carrier, which will be disseminated among young people from border areas, Belarusian and Ukrainian students studying in Poland and among institutions (schools, universities, offices, career offices, career counselors, labor market institutions, non-governmental organizations).

The micro-project "ABC of studying and working in Poland" is part of the umbrella project "Cross-border Labor Market Support Center" implemented by the Umbrella Project Leader European Meeting Center - Nowy Staw Foundation in Lublin.

Financed by the National Institute of Freedom - Center for the Development of Civil Society from the funds of the Program for the Development of Civic Organizations for 2018-2030