
Foundation of the Strategy

The project "Strategy Foundation - the basis for implementing innovation in Carpathian tourism" was implemented with the support of Switzerland under the Swiss-Polish program of cooperation with new EU member states and is a continuation of the project "Transnational partnership for innovation in tourism".

Implementation period: January - February 2015.

Total project value: PLN 146 880

Project subject: Implementation of the most effective Swiss solutions identified in the Polish-Swiss strategy in the field of innovation in tourism in the public and non-governmental sectors.

Operational goals

  1. Extending the access to knowledge of local government units in Podkarpacie and Lesser Poland and NGOs in the field of innovation in tourism.
  2. Creation of implementation mechanisms.
  3. Development and distribution of instructional instruments facilitating the application of the Strategy and the implementation by its stakeholders of the best Swiss solutions in the field of innovation in tourism in the province. Subcarpathian and Lesser Poland.

Działanie 1.

Powołanie i prace Zespołu Koordynacyjnego ds. wdrażania strategii.

Działanie 2.

Organizacja dwóch seminariów w Rzeszowie i w Krakowie poświęconych transferze wybranych szwajcarskich innowacji w turystyce na Podkarpacie.

Dzaiałanie 3.

Redakcja treści platformy internetowej www.visitcarpathia.com jako narzędzia komunikacji marketingowej służącego do wymiany partnerstw i innowacji oraz promowania Karpat jako destynacji turystycznej.

Działanie 4.

Informacja i promocja (opracowany film promocyjno-wdrożeniowy i  wydany Guidline pn. „Marka Karpacka Carpathia – przykład wdrożenia innowacji w turystyce”)

target group

  • local government units, non-governmental organizations from the Podkarpacie area and the rest of the Carpathian Euroregion and entities will be under their influence
  • tourism industry from the area of Podkarpackie, Małopolskie and the entire Carpathian Euroregion
  • inhabitants of Podkarpacie and the rest of the Carpathian Euroregion
  • tourists visiting EK

The project was implemented together with a partner, the Institute of Tourism, a research unit operating at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland in Sierre, Switzerland.

Thanks to the project activities, it was possible to continue the extremely important Polish-Swiss cooperation, which will be maintained in order to implement Swiss solutions in the field of innovation in tourism on the Podkarpacie market, which will contribute to the development of tourism and at the same time increase the socio-economic level of the region. All products primarily resulting from the project activities will be used effectively to promote innovation in tourism.

Financed by the National Institute of Freedom - Center for the Development of Civil Society from the funds of the Program for the Development of Civic Organizations for 2018-2030