
Promotion of the potential of the Carpathians

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Leading Partner : Association of Local Governments “Carpathian Euroregion - Ukraine
Partner : Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland
The micro-project "Promotion of the potential of the Carpathians - creating a cross-border promotional platform" is co-financed by the European Union under the Cross-border Cooperation Program Poland - Belarus - Ukraine 2007-2013
Project duration : 01/02/2014 - 30/09/2014
Total project value : EUR 49 580.00
Co-financing amount : EUR 44,622.00 (90%)

The main goal

Promotion of the natural and cultural potential of the project area.

Detailed objectives

  1. Implementation of integrated activities promoting the recreational potential of spas from the project area.

  2. Creation of an information platform promoting the recreational potential of the Ukrainian and Polish part of the Carpathian Euroregion.

  3. Improving the competitiveness of the project area by creating new tourist offers as a result of tour operators getting acquainted with the potential of spas in the project area during study visits.

Despite the obvious recreational potential of the Ukrainian-Polish area, the main problem limiting the development of recreational tourism is the insufficient level of recognition of this area as a recreational area, limited access to information on current tourist offers, products and services in health resorts and insufficient promotion level. The existing available offers and tourist products of spas indicate a low level of competition in comparison with offers from other recreational areas, including cross-border ones.

In connection with the above, the micro-project provides for the implementation of activities aimed at creating conditions for the development of cross-border cooperation in the promotion of the recreational potential of the Ukrainian and Polish part of the Carpathian Euroregion through:

  • creating a website common for the cross-border area as a source of information and promotion of the recreational potential
  • creating instruments promoting the recreational potential in the cross-border region by issuing bilingual publications
  • conducting study visits for tour operators, both in Poland and in Ukraine, as a result of which new integrated packages of recreational and tourist offers should be developed.

The project will be implemented in Ukraine in the Lviv region and in Poland in the Podkarpacie region by the Association of Local Governments "Carpathian Euroregion - Ukraine" and the Carpathian Euroregion Poland Association.

The sustainability of the project's achievements will be ensured through the creation of a cross-border information platform for cooperation in the field of recreational tourism, the development of promotional materials available to all interested persons and the development of assumptions for the creation of new tourist and recreational offers and packages.

The micro-project "Promotion of the potential of the Carpathians - creating a cross-border promotional platform" is part of the umbrella project "Cross-border cooperation for spa tourism in the Polish-Ukrainian borderland" implemented by the Umbrella Project Leader Association for the Development and Promotion of Podkarpacie "Pro Carpathia".

Financed by the National Institute of Freedom - Center for the Development of Civil Society from the funds of the Program for the Development of Civic Organizations for 2018-2030